Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Program for Currency Conversion

Program that converts the older Pound money system to the latest one.
using namespace std;
void main()
int shilling=0,pence=0,pounds=0;

cout<<"Enter Pounds: "; cin>>pounds;
cout<<"Enter Shillings: "; cin>>shilling;
cout<<"Enter Pence: "; cin>>pence;

float ans=(float)pounds + (float)shilling/20 + ((float)pence/12)/20;
cout<<"Conversion yields: "<

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Program that takes input in Celsius and converts to fahrenheit

This is a beginner program which prompts user to input temperature in Celsius and outputs the temperature in Fahrenheit.

using namespace std;
void main()
float fahrenheit=0.0, celsius=0.0;
cout<<"Enter Teperature in Celsius: "; cin>>celsius;
fahrenheit = ((celsius + 32)*9)/5;
cout<<"\nIn Fahrenheit: "<< fahrenheit;


Monday, March 14, 2011

C++ program that converts Dollars in Yen,Pounds,Francs etc

This is a beginner question, write a program that takes input in Dollars and converts them in Pounds, Yen etc and displays it. Here is how I have written it

using namespace std;
void main()
float number=0.0;
cout<<"Enter Amount in Dollars: "; cin>>number;
cout<<"Conversion in:\nPounds: "< cout<<"\nDeutshemark: "< }

Monday, March 7, 2011

Writing, Deploying and Consuming a Web service in .NET

Suppose you want to write a web service that can send email and consume or use this web service in you C# application.
First off with writing the web service. For a detailed and basic version of the tutorial on how to write a web service, you can visit the following link.

Tutorial: Writing a web service

So we'll start by writing a web method that can get email address of the receiver, Subject of the email and Message as parameters and returns a message whether the email has been sent or not.
Here is what we'll need for the implementation of such a method.

public string sendMail(string mailTo, string emailSubject, string emailBody) {
MailMessage nmail = new MailMessage(); //Create a new mail message
nmail.From = new MailAddress(/*Your email address*/); //Set Sender's email address
nmail.To.Add(mailTo); //Set Recipient's Email address
//Note: you can add multiple Recipients
nmail.Subject = emailSubject; //Set subject of the email
nmail.Body = emailBody; //Set the body of the email
SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(/*"" or localhost or the IP or your server */); //Initiate SMTP client for your Server
smtpClient.Send(nmail); //Send Email
catch(Exception e)
return “Error Occured”;
return "Mail Sent";

Also you will need the following dlls at the start of your code to make the above code executable

using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

After this compile your code and see if it works fine, next step is to deploy your web service. Following tutorial describes how to deploy your web service.

Tutorial: How to Deploy your web service

Now once you have deployed your web service by the use of above tutorial. Next step is to consume it using your C# Forms application. So now open a new Visual C# Windows Application project. Make the form design as an email form with the labels of to, subject, message and a button which when pressed tries to send the email. My form looks like this.

Now you have to add the web reference to your application as shown in the figure below.

Right-Click References in the Solution Explorer and click Add references.Click on the link web service on the Local machine. This will display all the web services that are currently deployed on your IIS.

Select the one you just made and give it a reference name. In my case, I have given it a name “serv”. Click add reference.

It will appear under your refernces as

Now to the handler of the send button, you will have to initialize your service with the name you gave while adding reference. Like this

serv.Service snd = new sendemail.serv.Service();
Form the object snd you can call all the methods that are tagged as [web method]
String response=snd.sendmail(textBox1.Text, "", textBox3.Text, textBox4.Text);

You can show the string message returned by the service in the message box as follows


Thursday, February 17, 2011

JSP Declaratives

Syntax for a JSP Declarative is:
//your java code here
JSP Declarative begins with the sign “<%!” and ends with this “%>” . Variables and functions defined in the declarative tag are class-level i.e they define functions and variable at the global level and they can be used anywhere in the JSP page. The code in the declaration tag is not available inside the service method (_jspService()) of JSP.
         public String add(int a, int b)
             int c=a+b;

            return c+””;


 int firstNum=2;
 int secondNum=5;
<title>Declaration in JSP</title>

This sum is : <%=add(firstNum,secondNum)%>

Add Dynamic Content to your JSP page

As in the previous post, I showed that any HTML file can easily be turned into a JSP file i.e. by changing the file's extension to .jsp. So what is it that makes JSP useful that a simple html page? It is its ability to embed java code inside of JSP page. Following example shows how.
Hello World! The time is: <%= new java.util.Date() %>
Save the above file with .jsp extension. Now load it multiple times. You will see that every time you reload the page, it shows the current time.
We have already learned about java expressions <%= and %>
So that is what which makes JSP useful i.e. generating dynamic content that will change itself according to the client's request.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Writing your first JSP

JSP is used to simply put Java code inside the HTML pages.  This means that you can actually take any of the existing HTML pages that you have and change their extensions to ".jsp" which are now ".html" or “.htm”. 
So open notepad in windows. Write this

Hello, world

Save it with the extension of “.jsp".  Now open this file in your browser.
The page will take a bit of time when it is loaded for the first time. After first time execution it will load normally.
So what basically happens when you try to load your page for the fist time?
JSP is turned into a Java file, which is then compiled and loaded.  As you know well compilation for java only happens once, so loading it again and again does not take much time now. Remember, every time you’ll change or edit the JSP file, the same process will repeat itself i.e. first time compilation.
Next tutorial ill show what makes JSP useful.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

JSP Scriptlets

Syntax of JSP Scriptlet is:
//your java code here
A JSP Scriptlet begins with the sign <% and ends with the sign%>. Java code can be embedded in the JSP Scriptlet. JSP Engine places the code present in the scriptlet tag in the _jspService() method of the JSP page. Variables that are available to the JSP Scriptlet are:
  • request:
    request is used to represent the client's request and is a subclass of HttpServletRequest. This variable is used to retrieve the data which was submitted along the request.
    //java code
    String name=null;
  • response:
    response is subclass of HttpServletResponse. This is used to send a response.
    <% response.sendRedirect(“nextPage.jsp”);%>
  • session:
    session represents the HTTP session object associated with the request.
  • out:
    out is an object of output stream and is used to send any output to the client.
    <%out.println(“Hello World”);%>
    This will print Hello World on the web page.

Other variables that are available to the scriptlet are pageContext, application,config and exception.

Monday, January 24, 2011

JSP lifecycle

JSP pages are basically the extension of servlet at a higher level. JSP enables the developers to create dynamic webpages and use java language to build html pages. When JSPs are compiled, they are actually compiled to be servlets. This is done by JSP engine. The servlet that is compiled for a particular JSP is used to service all the incoming requests from the page and generate responses.
javax.servlet.jsp package uses two interfaces for this purpose, namely
  • JSPPage
  • HttpJspPage
The above mentioned interfaces have three methods to control the life cycle of the JSP page. These are:
  • jspInit()
  • jspDestroy()
  • _jspService(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)

These methods are already present in the compiled servlet of the JSP. You can define jspInit()(to initialize) and jspDestroy()(to destroy) method, but the _jspService(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)(for handling requests and generating responses) method is automatically generated by the JSP engine.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is JavaServer Pages?Its developmental phases

JSP (JavaServer Pages) is Sun Microsystem's solution to develop dynamic web pages. JSP technology has the advantage of server side scripting which imposes less load on the client. Server side scripting makes it ideal for creating web pages that are driven by databases.
JSP lets you to insert java code with in the JSP page making it easy to develop and maintain. JSP page is loaded to the web server only when it is called for the first time, after that it is not needed to load it again and again to the server's memory at every request, which make the response fast.
Pages written in JSP are not dependent on the platform just like JAVA that follows “Write Once, Run Everywhere”.
First of you will need to install a web server where you can run and test your JSPs. Following are some server names that can be used for this purpose.
JSP Development
JSP has many developmental phases. Developer's community has seen many releases of JSP from JSP 1.0 to JSP 1.2 to JSP 2.0. these releases had new features and old bugs were fixed to improve the functionality of JSP pages.
JSP 1.x
Many releases of JSP 1.x were released. JSP 1.0, JSP 1.1,and JSP 1.2 . JSP 1.2 contained some new features and bug fixes from the previous versions. The most important enhancements are given below.
  • JSP 1.2 was based on Servlet 2.3 and Java 2.
  • The include action was used without flushing.
  • The XML syntax for a JSP page was finalized.
  • A new type of page validator was added.
  • New options for tag library distribution and deployment have been added.
  • The tag handler lifecycle has been clarified.
For more information, please visit this.

JSP 2.0
This version of the JSP specification includes new features which are meant to improve programmer's productivity and usability. These features include
JSP 2.0 had a problem in the tag library about how the JSP version information was represented.
JSP 2.1
JSP 2.1 leverages the Servlet 2.5 specification for its web semantics.
This version has new expression language (EL ) syntax that allows deferred evaluation of expressions.
It supports resource injection through annotations.
For more differences between JSP 2.0 and JSP 2.1 visit this.